• michael cretney posted a new activity comment 6 years, 7 months ago

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    I met some old friends who spoke to me in a whisper. Their voices came to me though the expression in their eyes,their images recorded on paper.They spoke of their hopes , they pass onto us, they spoke of their dreams they bought. They said , walk together ,hold hands , plant many trees and bring back our forests,look after the birds and animals…[Read more]

  • michael cretney became a registered member 6 years, 8 months ago

    • I met some old friends who spoke to me in a whisper. Their voices came to me though the expression in their eyes,their images recorded on paper.They spoke of their hopes , they pass onto us, they spoke of their dreams they bought. They said , walk together ,hold hands , plant many trees and bring back our forests,look after the birds and animals…[Read more]