Barambah Aboriginal Settlement School 1908

1905 — The old school building from Durundur is dismantled and rebuilt in Barambar. Marion Kennett is the school teacher.

The building is a weatherboard structure, unlined and unsealed. It is very hot in summer and freezing in winter. A vast improvement on the old building, it still proves inadequate with sixty pupils enrolled.
As enrolments increase, the overcrowding gets worse. By 1910, with over ninety pupils attending, classes are held on the veranda.
Domestic science and manual arts subjects appear intermittently in the curriculum. The Teaching of these subjects depends on the enthusiasm of the teacher and other settlement staff. Marion Kennett, the school teacher from 1904 to 1908, teaches sewing to the girls. After 1908, sewing is occasionally taught on a voluntary basis by others on the settlement.


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