Deed of Grant in Trust 1986

1985 – A significant step towards self-determination for our community occurs when Cherbourg is granted a Deed of Grant in Trust (DOGIT) from the Queensland Government, along with Palm Island, Woorabinda, Hopevale, Yarrabah, Injinoo, New Mapoon and most of the Torres Strait islands.
Independence comes at a cost. Following the DOGIT transfer, government-owned assets are removed, shut down or sold. Successful industries are closed down and the machinery is sold. People lose their jobs and the town loses money.
Without these assets, the Community Council becomes dependent on Commonwealth and State government funding, as do many families and individuals.


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The Cherbourg Memory is an initiative of the Rationshed Museum and brings together the photos, videos, oral history recordings, documents and other artifacts of our lives on this settlement. It a website, an archive, an educational resource, a recording project, a research data-base, a store of the people’s stories and an interactive space for comments and engagement. We encourage the people of Cherbourg, the Indigenous communities in Australia and others who have experience of our settlement to help us create a living archive of Barambah-Cherbourg. So find out a little more about the Cherbourg Memory, discover how you can Participate, or find out how you can Contribute to the development of the Cherbourg Memory.